Thursday, August 14, 2014
Desenformar gelatina
Joyce - Nao Vales Nada Official video 2010
Kizomba...African music (Angola)
Getting me by around my crafty moments, inspiring me ;)
Polymer clay finger rings
A selection of
rocks mixed with resin and polymer clay
I think no rock is too big or too small to be used in jewellery, and no colour is too much... the one i enjoyed making the most was the pink one in the first row up, second place, with rocks... i used rose quartz inside resin with rose polymer clay, it looked like a candy.Enjoy...i hope it gives you more ideas for jewellery creations.
Crafted jewellery match
I confess, im not too good with matchings :D
I make jewellery separately
and let my clients choose and match as they wish...
...but here is one of my selections
the ring rock is made of polymer clay and coated with resin
the earrings and bracelets are assembled by me but where bought separately at those art and craft shops
Feijoada do mar à minha moda
E ainda houve tempo para fazer uma feijoada do mar à minha moda
1 frango inteiro
1 chouriço de sangue
1 chouriço picante
1 lata de salsichas
1 limão
sal grosso q.b
1 raminho de salsa
1 cenoura grande
5 tomates maduros e grandes
1 cebola grande e 4 dentes de alho
1 colher de sopa de cominhos
1 colher de sopa de açafrão
azeite, vinho branco, 2 cubos de caldo de galinha
2 latas de feijão encarnado das pequenas
1 embalagem de mistura de frutos do mar
Corte o frango em pedaços e tempere-os com sal, o açafrão, cominhos, azeite q.b e sumo de meio limão. Pique os dentes de alho, cebola às rodelas, salsa, cenoura e o tomate para dentro de uma panela larga e funda, adicione um pouco de azeite e água (meio copo) e deixe refogar até estar cozido o tomate. Deite o frango, chouriços e o vinho branco, deixe apanhar o gosto durante uns 10 minutos, adicione as salsichas cortadas em pedaços do tamanho de um dedo mais ou menos, se for necessário adicione mais água, eu costumo usar a água das salsichas, deixe ferver um pouco e adicione o sal e os cubos de caldo de galinha, e o marisco, passados mais uns 10 minutos adicione o feijão, rectifique os temperos, deixe apanhar o gosto, mexa com uma colher de pau e engrosse o molho com puré de batata caso seja necessário.
Bom apetite.
Cornrows and braiding
One of my many shores yesterday was to braid this baby girl (12 years) and although i am not a great "cornrower" hehehe...i think i did quite took me half a day and i still had to do other stuff while she ate. But i like it, believe me.
Let me show you how it was in the end
Let me show you how it was in the end
I used this hair for more length
Good morning bread :)
Hello hello hellooooo
I reeealy had a busy day yesterday and that is a good thing, nothing like laying your head and body on a bed and falling asleep in 1 second...
Now... lets get busy today again, but starting with a good and healty sandwich
I have got tomatoes
olives and carrots
a avocado and fresh cheese purée
some lemon slices and caviar (not that expensive one)
You can make one, and use other veggies you like and decide if you are eating it on a plate or on a bread like a sandwich...i choose the second one hehehe... i love bread....So goooooooood moooooorniiiiing
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