Friday, August 15, 2014

Tips on how to eat well

You can always try for at least one month, if it works...awesome

Marinating times

Yep, it turns out even marinating has a time chart
Now we know

Heart egg toast

A few years ago i came across a very cute way to make a toast, good for a romantic breakfast, its relatively easy to do, i find that you must do it in a very big slice of bread to make the heart shape more visible, i didnt had one at the time i took this picture, but its just a way to show you how to do it.
I'll post a better one next time 
Also, make a more pointy middle top part of the heart for a better definition of a heart
I promiss to post a better picture tomorrow

What to do with your photographs

I often use my photos as postal cards, fridge magnets, image transfer for objects, i have even used them to make ring faces
specially images with skies, they are very good to be used


Postal com dizeres sábios que fiz com uma fotografia minha
Dá para imprimir e oferecer a alguém

Earrings stand

Aaand this is a mixed media, i made two big polymer clay roses,
 dip it fantasy film resin leafs and wire stem covered with green floral tape
I dont know if you can see the set of earrings hanging 
It was during a fair so the background was crowded with items
A lady bought it to use as a decoration piece for her jewellery store

Decorative glass

Im always changing subjetcs very quickly, i like alternating, doing the same thing for too long makes me get bored .
So check out this decorative piece i made from a glass wine cup, i used dry flowers in the bottom, sealed them there with resin and then cut a little strip of plumes as a bedding 
I bought the bird in an arts & crafts shop, its made of polystyrene
i glued the bird with some resin too
and tied the ribbon, gluing it with hot glue

Duas gelatinas e fruta em calda - Sobremesa rápida

Para uma sobremesa rápida podemos fazer o seguinte, em panelas diferentes fazer uma gelatina de morango e outra de pêssego
Em formas de queques deitamos a gelatina de morango e numa tigela maior deitamos a fruta em calda escorrida e a gelatina de pêssego por cima
Leva-se ao frigorífico durante 3 horas ou mais
Na hora de servir desenforma-se a gelatina de morango colocando cada uma em um pratinho pequeno mas fundo, depois com uma colher vai-se partindo a gelatina de pêssego com a fruta e colocando-a à volta da gelatina de morango, pode-se servir com calda de morango ou chocolate conforme o gosto de cada um
Bom apetite.

A twist to Haupia pudding (Pudim de côco com gelatina de melancia e calda de morango)

Lets revive our taste buds...
Remember that nice, easy and delicious coconut milk pudding from Havai (Haupia)?! I have the recipe a few pages down in this blog
Well i decided to add something to it, a white pudding is great to help in decorating a dessert so i have decided to add a lovely watermelon gelatin to it and this is what i got
I used a small aluminiun mold, poured the liquid gelatin first, let it set for two hours and then poured the Haupia pudding on top (let it cool for at least 30 minutes before pouring it over the gelatin, otherwise it will melt it) 
Now it stays for at least 4 hours in the fridge, and when you serve it sprinkle some grated coconut and strawberry sauce
There you have it a twist to the traditional Haupia pudding
Don't worry if it doesn't come out with a good form
just cut some squares or rectangles
or even slice it like this

Beautiful sky

I decided to go buy some handmade baskets, there are ladies selling them next to the road, as i stopped i looked at the sky and of cooooourrse i had to take a picture of this magnificent sky, im not very happy with this house under construction but there was no way around it 
Nature just blows me away

Nature nurture

Gooooood morning
Hope everyone had a nice night, plenty of resting and woke up full of new and good ideas
And for those who are passing through some difficult times, believe me, while you are still alive there's a chance to fight back, dont let trouble overcome your capacity to think.
The first prison is inside our minds and we possess that key, allow yourself to think differently

I took this picture at dawn and coloured it more, gives us a feeling of being inside a mind state
I was waiting for the fish to bite...sitting down on the shore, so many thoughts go through our minds, and i tell if you have a problem, try getting yourself time to think in a quiet place and close to nature helps A LOT.